FRP version 3.0 released with 'Sensitivity Analysis' feature

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FRP version 3.0 released with 'Sensitivity Analysis' feature

Post by jimr »

Originally release date for Version 3.0 was 05/12/2012

I just posted a new version of the planner with a brand new feature called sensitivity analysis.

The sensitivity analysis feature uses the standard inputs that you entered into the planner and lets you select two input parameters for further analysis. The idea is to see how your plan's results vary as these two parameters are adjusted between some minimum and maximum values.

The planner then automatically runs hundreds of simulations, each with different values for the two inputs that you're studying. The result is a matrix or heat map graph, where each cell shows how your plan does with gives values of the two inputs.

Take a look at the planner documentation for more details.

Release Notes

07/12/2012 - 03.00.01
Fixed mouse position/selection wierdness in sensitivity graph. Misc changes for branding. Added print support to tables in applet. several minor linux layout fixes. Added values to y axis in results graph. Added memo field and row editing to additional inputs window.

05/29/2012 - 03.00.00
Added Sensitivity Analysis. Also, improved performance and reduced memory footprint of sim engine by changing several large arrays used for median calculations from type double to int. This limits the median values shown to around $2 billion, but doesn't impact underlying simulation calculations.
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