Scrubbing the details tab to ensure my additional inputs are working as I expect.
To model my wife's continued income after I retire this year, I set the following additional input.
Enabled Cashflow Type Start Year End Year Amount Taxable Percent COLA Memo
true Misc Income Start of Plan Age 64 100000 0 Inflation Salary Gap
However, I noticed in the detailed view, the value continues to show up as $100K per year for next few years until other income kicks in. Should year 2, 3, etc. show as an inflation adjusted amount?
Misc Income and Inflation
Re: Misc Income and Inflation
All the amounts in that table are shown in present value dollars, so an amount staying the same from year to year is exactly keeping up with inflation. A decreasing amount is an amount that isn't keeping up with inflation and an increasing amount is growing at a rate greater than inflation.
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