Categorization of Additional Inputs

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Categorization of Additional Inputs

Post by fedupforone »

Roth Conversions - an example of multiple lines in the "Cash Flows" of additional inputs that are grouped together. This takes three line items in the "Cash Flows" table to model - a negative amount to a Tax Deferred type, a positive amount to a Tax Free type, and an Other Expense to handle the taxation effect.


My suggestion :idea: is to provide a folder, or outline-like, structure for the table. A folder would be named whatever I wanted, and it could contain any cash flow lines that I wanted. In my example I might name it "Roth Conversion" and in that folder I would have the 3 lines. In a lot of implementations of this design pattern this is done with a "+" sign that lets you expand a group or "-" to collapse it.

Other than just simple organization, this also helps me to be aware of all line items that are related to each other. And when I need to make changes to my group of lines it is obvious which ones are related. And some mistakes :shock: can be eliminated.

There is no better retirement planning software! This suggestion is in no way a complaint.
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